seventh Post

This is another post on the test blog to test comments. There’s a comment after this line of text, does it show? The comment was before this line of text, did it show? The comment doesn’t show with: square bracket - the word comment - square bracket - colon - space - hash - space - a comment in brackets. Also I ought to put these posts somewhere online, in the unlikely event that I want to point anyone else at them.

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sixth Post

This is a post written after I’ve “fought” gitlab and render to see if my “workflow” works or not, it should only be on the new website, and not on the old one.

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Forward Test

If I write a post now, but with a creation date in the future, what does Hugo do? ( and yes, I should probably have just read the documentation instead, this is a test site though… )

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First Post

This is my first post, to a test blog, which I’ll undoubtedly try to upload somewhere. For this one I’m using the theme Minos from The phrase “A simple and retro styled theme, concentrated more on your ideas.” caught my eye, but I’m not sure about Google Analytics.

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This is a test post where I’ll be testing bespoke sidenotes. While we’re here, let’s try a standard sidenote. Cosimo de Medici Did that render ok? So, what do they look like? Here's an example right sidenote. [note: This is this example note's CONTENT FOR THE RIGHT sidenote. ] If you’re on a mobile device, the content is hidden by default: there’s no “side” on which the note fits. In this case, you can click or tap the underlined portion of the text, which is the part to which the sidenote is related or refers to.

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This is the title. This is the first paragraph where I’m typing out some ideas. This is the second paragraph. This is also a header. I am manually putting more hashes in front of all the subheadings. This has four hashes. This has five hashes. Six hashes is the limit. This is some code. In the right format for code. Because At some point I need to write code In the retext editor, the code wasn’t shown properly, we’ll see what hugo does…

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fourth post - written using another markdown editor

This is the fourth post. I need to write something that automatically sorted out categories and the date and puts that all into the header, but I bet someone has written a plugin for that already. second level heading This is a bulleted list third level heading this is a numbered list second level heading again this is some "code" in "code" which has multiple lines, which I hope works this is some more code in “blockquote”

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