This is a test post where I’ll be testing bespoke sidenotes.

While we’re here, let’s try a standard sidenote.

Cosimo de Medici

Did that render ok?

So, what do they look like? [note: This is this example note's CONTENT FOR THE RIGHT sidenote. ] If you’re on a mobile device, the content is hidden by default: there’s no “side” on which the note fits. In this case, you can click or tap the underlined portion of the text, which is the part to which the sidenote is related or refers to. Otherwise, the example sidenote should be visible [note: Sidenotes can also appear on the LEFT OF THE SCREEN, to help prevent situations in which there are too many sidenotes and not enough space. ]

This is the bottom of the page.

Thu 18 Mar 20:31:07 GMT 2021 ( :r!date )
